Csatlakoztassa családját egy Apple Watch mobiltelefon-csomaggal

Korlátozott idejű ajánlat: Vásároljon éves tervet, és spóroljon akár 54%-ot

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Miért érdemes egy BetterRoaming adatcsomaggal bővíteni az Apple Watch-ot?

Válassz csomagot

Több mint 100 000

elégedett felhasználó

Válasszon országot

Az Apple Watch-csomagod csak egy országban működik, és nem teszi lehetővé a nemzetközi roamingot. Ahhoz, hogy az Apple Watch-ot egy másik országban használhasd, külön díjcsomagot kell vásárolnod. Roamingolás közben a szolgáltatás, a nemzetközi hívások és SMS-ek nem lesznek elérhetőek. Emellett az emelt díjas számok és szolgáltatások is le vannak tiltva.

Miért érdemes a BetterRoamingot választani?

No Hidden Costs

Nincsenek rejtett költségek

Maradjon kapcsolatban szeretteivel egyetlen havi vagy éves átalánydíjjal

Secure Network

Biztonságos hálózat

Biztonságos hálózatunk biztosítja, hogy Apple Watch-kapcsolata mindig biztonságos és megbízható legyen.

Quick Setup

Gyors beállítás

A könnyen kezelhető felületen perceken belül felvehet és használhat egy csomagot.

Terv kiválasztása

Csatlakoztassa családját egy Apple Watch mobiltelefon-csomaggal

Adj hozzá egy korlátlan adatforgalmú mobilcsomagot családtagod Apple Watch órájához

Találj csomagot az összes eszközödre


Samrtphone adatszolgáltatási tervek

Smartphone data plans

iPad adatcsomagok

iPad data plans

*When compared to a monthly plan. The Apple Watch cellular plan cost and savings will vary depending on the plan country of purchase. All customers purchasing a yearly watch plan will pay less than if they ordered 12 individual monthly plans. Customers purchasing a yearly Apple Watch plan for Spain will save 54% when compared to purchasing 12 separate monthly plans for Spain. A yearly plan for Australia will save 25% and the USA will save 43% (limited offer for USA), a yearly plan for France, Germany or the United Kingdom will save 27%, and a yearly plan for Poland will save 43% when compared to purchasing 12 monthly plans for that country. See https://www.betterroaming.com/legal/terms-and-conditions-wearable-plans/ for the full terms and conditions of BetterRoaming Apple Watch plans.

Apple Watch For Your Kids (formerly known as Apple Watch Family Setup) allows iPhone users to set up multiple cellular Apple Watches with separate Apple Watch plans and monitor each watch via the iPhone. BetterRoaming wearable eSIM Plans are only compatible with Apple Watches. We do not currently support smartwatch eSIM plans for any other manufacturers. Setup of the eSIM also requires an iPhone. BetterRoaming smartwatch plans will not be compatible with Android or Google devices. However, BetterRoaming smartphone eSIM plans can be used with any eSIM-compatible phone, in over 160 countries worldwide. Please see this guide to eSIM-compatible smartphones for more information. 

 In order to use Apple Watch For Your Kids/Apple Watch Family Setup mode, customers will require an iPhone 6s or later, operating iOS 14 or later. Each Apple Watch must also be running WatchOS 7 or later. We recommend updating to the latest available iOS and WatchOS before setting up Apple Watch For Your Kids/Apple Watch Family Setup mode. BetterRoaming Apple Watch plans are compatible with any cellular model of Apple Watch with WatchOS 7 or later. This includes:  
Apple Watch Series 4 GPS + Cellular, Series 5 GPS + Cellular, Series 6 GPS + Cellular, Series 7 GPS + Cellular, Series 8 GPS + Cellular, Series 9 GPS + Cellular and Series 10 GPS + Cellular 
All Apple Watch Ultra, Apple Watch Ultra 2, and Apple Watch Hermès Ultra 2 models, Apple Watch SE Cellular (1st Generation) and Apple Watch SE Cellular (2nd Generation), All Apple Watch Hermès models. 

In order to set up cellular on an Apple Watch, users must first ensure they have enabled Family Sharing on their Apple Account. The Family Organiser must be logged in to their Apple Account on the iPhone that will be used to set up the Apple Watch. Additionally, anyone who will be using the Apple Watch(es) will also need to be added to the Family Group. For more information on setting up Family Sharing, creating an Apple Account for a Family member and adding them to an Apple Family Group, see the Apple Family Sharing page https://support.apple.com/en-us/108380.  

How do I pair an Apple Watch? 
So how do you connect an Apple Watch to a phone? For detailed advice on how to set up Apple Watch cellular plans, including how to start Family Sharing, how to set up Apple Watch For Your Kids / Family Setup, and using mobile plans with Apple Watch, please visit the Apple Watch Family – How to Install page. This page covers how to pair Apple Watch to iPhone and start using an Apple Watch eSIM Plan. 
Setting up an Apple Watch for kids with an Apple Watch mobile plan allows them to keep in contact with unlimited Voice, SMS and mobile data usage, with no iPhone needed. It also allows parents or guardians to use accurate location data and receive notification on the locations of each Apple Watch set up with an Apple Watch For Your Kids / Family Setup cellular plan. For more information on how this service functions, please visit the Apple Watch Family – How it Works page